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Green today
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HONOR's progress in environmental protection efforts

HONOR's progress in
environmental protection efforts


Around 68 tonnes carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by printing product packages and manuals with soy ink.


Around 2,896 tonnes of potential harmful substances have been eliminated by prohibiting the use of six potentially harmful substances.


A total of 54 products have achieved grade A by the China Quality Certification (CQC).


Since 2017, HONOR has recycled over 1,650 tonnes of electronic waste from its distribution channels.

Product Packages Designed with Environmental Awareness in Mind

Product Packages
Designed with Environmental
Awareness in Mind

HONOR has been printing product packages and user manuals with eco-friendly soy ink. Compared to non-renewable traditional petroleum-based ink, using soy ink has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by 68 tonnes, which is equivalent to the volume of carbon dioxide that can be absorbed by 3,778 trees in a single year.

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Removing Toxic Substances from HONOR Devices

HONOR has gone one step ahead to prohibit the use of six potentially harmful substances that have not yet been regulated by laws. HONOR spends hundreds of millions of RMB annually in this process to minimize the potential environmental impact. This has been implemented in all HONOR mobile phones, tablets and wearable products, which has eliminated around 2,896 tonnes of potentially harmful substances.

Find out how

HONOR prohibits the use of six toxic substances across its products
Why we choose soy ink?

Meeting the Highest Grade of Environment Standards

HONOR strives to reduce the impact of its manufacturing process and business operations on the environment by carrying out life cycle management from the stage of raw materials selection to waste disposal. All HONOR smartphones and tablets have achieved grade A by the China Quality Certification (CQC) Center. In total, 54 products across HONOR’s entire portfolio have obtained this accreditation.

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旧电子设备不应被填埋,它是未被开发的宝藏 旧电子设备不应被填埋,它是未被开发的宝藏

Recycling and Reusing Electronics

An advanced reuse and recycling system can greatly reduce the cost of production while preserving the unnecessary consumption of natural resources. HONOR currently operates an advanced and professional recycling and reuse program in China. Since 2017, HONOR has recycled over 1,650 tonnes of electronic waste from its distribution channels.

China Quality Certification Centre close

The China Quality Certification Center examines a product across its entire life cycle, a process that HONOR values greatly. We consider these strict standards at the start, right from the design phase, to produce truly green devices for our consumers.