
    The HONOR Talents Global Design Contest is a gathering of top artistic talents. With the rich resources of the HONOR brand, this event will connect, foster, empower and incubate more original creativity. As a global platform for dialogue, this contest will further promote exchanges surrounding artistic design, smartphone user experience, and new design language/expressions.

    Not only is HONOR Talents a global competition about design, but it is also a place to explore, resonate with, and satisfy the spiritual needs and values of consumers. By continuously incorporating better design elements into HONOR products, we will showcase how people's lives can be enriched when technology and design truly work together.


  • Concept

    Please make creations on the theme of “Beauty In All That You See”. There is no limit to the types of work or forms of representation.

  • 1. National Cultural Treasure.Cultural lineage Ethnic, but also global

    A tribute to culture using contemporary thinking and techniques. present, heritage, innovation, and development, your design may belong to this moment, but is also a part of the world's colorful culture.
  • 2. Genesis.Disruptive innovation The perfect fusion of art and technology

    Technological advancements has energized artistic creation with richer creative options. What kind of creative forms would you choose to present your ideas?
  • 3. Renewal of life.Return to nature Environmental protection and sustainable development

    The relationship between man and nature will be the focus of this category. Embrace, return to, and showcase the diverse beauty of nature with your design. Convey the credo of harmonious coexistence.

    *Design directions are for reference only. Although high adherence to design direction is a nice bonus, your work will be chefly judged by its aesthetics, visual expression, and core concept.

  • Design specifications

    There is no limit to design software used. Source files of all entries must be kept. The works must be complete and entirely original, contain no plagiarism, and comply with relevant laws and regulations. Please be sure to download and follow the template specifications provided by the competition before making creation. Please read carefully the requirements on design as specified by [Guidelines], and apply the corresponding template to creation. Only JPG format is accepted for picture entries. The pixels should be no less than 3000 pixels, and the data size of a single work should not exceed 20 MB. The creative video works edited on a computer are accepted. MP4/GIF format is accepted, and the data size of a single work should not exceed 20 MB. There is no limit to the number of entries submitted by each participant, and there is no limit to the number of shortlisted works.
  • Selection criteria

    The entries feature novel idea, reasonable composition, ingenious design, and strong visual impact, and convey information accurately and are highly available. The information transmission is accurate, the usability is strong, and it is suitable for HONOR products, magic systems, watch faces, etc.

What do I need to submit?

Download Templates
  • Wallpapers
  • Themes
  • Watch
  • Open Designs
Please upload the following for wallpaper category, check details of wallpaper templates:

1. wallpaper design

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

2. design concept

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

3. video

Specification: 1920 × 1080, MP4/GIF, size ≤ 20M.
Please upload the following for theme category, check details of theme templates:

1. theme design

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

2. design concept

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

3. icons

Specification: size: 3636 X 3000px, format jpg, size ≤ 20M.

4. video

Specification: 1920 × 1080, MP4/GIF, size ≤ 20M.
Please upload the following for watch category, check details of watch templates:

1. watch design

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

2. design concept

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

3. video

Specification: 1920 × 1080, MP4/GIF, size ≤ 20M.
Please upload the following for open designs category, check details of open design templates:

1. Open Design

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

2. design concept

Specification: size: 6000×3000px, format: jpg, size ≤ 20M.

3. video

Specification: 1920 × 1080, MP4/GIF, size ≤ 20M.

    Rights of Award Winners

  • 1. Generous rewards

    The total prize money is 700,000+ RMB.Winners can receive generous cash prizes. Prizes Details.
  • 2. Honors

    All winners will receive a certificate recommended by the industry’s top prestigious judges and HONOR brand platform.
  • 3. Pass card for recruitment

    Pass card for recruitment is issued to all award-winning participants, who can directly participate in the final interview for a position at HONOR (valid for design positions; specific positions will be separately stated). The card can only be used for one time. It is valid for current students involved in on-campus recruitment before graduation, and valid for one year for social recruitment from the date of announcement of the award.
  • 4. Top industry exchanges

    Award-winning designers have the opportunity to attend official events such as offline salons for face-to-face exchanges and cooperation with top-level guests from the world design industry and HONOR.
  • 5. Sustained exposure of winners’ personal reputation

    HONOR Talents Global Design Awards carries out media promotion with over 100 mainstream media outlets covering different industries and channels. The media continuously covers key events such as the selection of works, salons, and award announcements, and raises the social influence of excellent award-wining designs worldwide.

    Judges and Review Mechanism

  • 1. Judges

    The organizing committee will invite authoritative design experts from around the world to serve as judges. Each and every participant will have the opportunity to talk with world-class experts.
  • 2. Review mechanism

    The entries uploaded by each participant will be reviewed by the staff. Entries that have passed the review will be eligible for selection for awards. The selection part consists of preliminary evaluation and final evaluation. All online works that have passed the review will be shortlisted by the organizing committee and the preliminary evaluation committee based on the idea of the work, composition, design concept, visual impact, information conveyed, usability, etc. for the final evaluation by the expert judges.

    Notice to Participants

  • 1. Areement on copyright

    - Please refer to Article 3 Intellectual Property and Other Rights and Interests in the Agreement on Participation in HONOR Talents HONOR Global Design Awards.
  • 2. Eligibility

    Applicants must be at least 18 years of age or reach the legal age in your local area to enter this competition. You are required to ensure that your work has not been publicly published anywhere. Award-winning entries in other competitions are not accepted in this competition.
  • 3. Participation channels

    Participation is only available through the official website of the competition and channels of official cooperative platforms. Other channels such as email are not accepted.
  • 4. Submission period

    Submission period: June 16, 2021 to August 31, 2021. To meet the deadline, you must submit your work by 24:00, August 31, 2021 Beijing time (GMT +8). For the sake of fairness, you won't be able to upload, modify or delete your work after the deadline.
  • 5. Submission of information on participants

    We collect information to provide better services for all users, which may include your username (nickname), user avatar, author profile, country or city, email address, phone number, user identifier (UID), gender, age group, as well as the work you submit and its short description. The username, email address and phone number are collected for contact purposes; information on gender and age are for statistics purposes, so as to optimize the user experience and provide better services; user avatar, author profile, work description, and country or city will accompany your entries for display.
  • 6. File management of entries

    For any entry, please keep the source files (such as in PSD or AI format) of unfinished drafts and finished drafts. Source files are required to be submitted for all award-winning works. Otherwise, no award will be given.
  • 7. Management of entries

    You can modify and cancel your work by logging in to visit “My Gallery” on the website of HONOR Talents event. However, if your work has already been entered for the competition and the evaluation is ongoing, that is, the submissions have closed (entering the “review stage”) and the “review” has not yet completed, you are not allowed to modify or cancel the work uploaded in order to ensure the fairness of the competition.
  • 8. Award announcement

    All evaluation results will be announced on the official website in September. Participants are requested to visit the official website to keep abreast of the developments in the competition. We will contact the winners by phone or email. If a participant misses important information or fails to give feedback as required, and affects the evaluation, award collection, etc., the participant shall solely bear the consequences.


  • "Prizes"
  • "Judges"
  • "Rules"