The HONOR View20 Live Streaming Activity (hereinafter referred to as the "Activity") is organized by Huawei Device Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "HONOR"). Activity participants (hereinafter referred to as "Participants") take part in the Activity by submitting comments. All Participants shall be deemed as having agreed to the following terms and conditions.

Activity Schedule
Time: Event start at 5:00pm (UTC+1)
Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Activity Rules
1. Comment to win an HONOR accessory
(1) Participants can submit comments to win an HONOR accessory. Each participant gets only one opportunity to win a prize.
(2) Prizes (HONOR AM51 earphones, HONOR AM61 Sport earphones) will be randomly distributed when the number of comments reaches the specified number.
(3) The winners’ name will be published in real time, and a list of all winners will be released within seven days after the Activity ends.
(4) The organizer will contact winners within seven working days after the Activity ends.
(5) Employees of Huawei Device Co., Ltd. are not allowed to participate in the Activity.

2. Comment to win an HONOR View20
(1) Participants can submit comments about HONOR View20 to win an HONOR View20.
(2) The organizer will select the most unique and innovative comment as the winner.
(3) A unit of HONOR View20 (8 GB + 128 GB) will be distributed as the prize. The device color is selected randomly.
(4) The winner information will be released within seven days after the Activity ends.
(5) The organizer will contact winners within seven working days after the Activity ends.
(6) Employees of Huawei Device Co., Ltd. are not allowed to participate in the Activity.

Prize Distribution
Each winner must provide valid contact information (including the email address, full name, complete delivery address, phone number, and post code) to claim the prize within seven days after the winner lists are released.Prizes will be shipped within thirty working days. HONOR will assume all tariffs and express fees. Prizes cannot be transferred to another person or redeemed for cash or other objects.

If a prize cannot be distributed to you due to your own fault (including but not limited to failure to fill in the contact information within three days after the contest ends or inaccurate or incomplete contact information such that the organizer is unable to contact you), it shall be deemed that you have waived the right to claim the prize. In case of the foregoing, HONOR shall not assume any liabilities arising therefrom, and no prize shall be distributed to you. You shall confirm whether the prize and bonus are complete upon receipt of them. In case of any abnormalities, you shall inform the sender directly. Unless it is due to willful intent or gross negligence of the organizer, the organizer shall not bear any liabilities for any accidents suffered by you arising from receipt or use of the prize.

Privacy and Personal Data
HONOR collects personal data including nicknames, UID. We need winners to provide full name, phone number, delivery address and post code, in order to ship the prize. Given that the Activity faces global users, cross-border personal data transfer will be involved (for example, data transfer among multiple countries or out of the EU) and will be stored in Singapore. We undertakes to keep the data secure and delete it within half a year. We warrants that information collected for the Activity shall not be sold, shared, or disclosed to any third party (except HONOR's partners who carry out the Activity). Such data shall be used exclusively for prize distribution. The information you provide will not be used for any purpose other than the stated purpose.

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